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CPD Training


Introduction to Constructed Wetlands 

The Constructed Wetlands Association (CWA) in partnership with the Soil and Water Management Centre (SWMC) at Harper Adams University are developing a new in-person training workshop introducing constructed wetland technologies and their application to domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater treatment.  Experts will present the latest technologies and approaches to point source and diffuse discharges to deliver catchment water quality improvements. There will be a field visit in the afternoon and lunch will be provided.

There will be 6 BASIS points available through the completion of this course.

10% discount for members of CWA or Soil and Water Management Centre (you'll be asked to provide your CWA/SWMC membership number during checkout).

We are expecting to announce an "open" training event in 2023.  If your organisation would like us to design a bespoke training session with the CWA, please get in touch