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SWS-CWA student networking events 2020-2021

Post on: Oct. 19, 2020

To all students studying wetland sciences - come and join our networking and mentoring sessions 


As the current situation means it is difficult to meet up, the CWA are joining with their partners, the Society of Wetland Scientists Europe (SWS Europe) to offer online networking opportunities to students.

Students will have the opportunity to informally present their work on an online platform, link with other academics studying in similar areas and receive feedback from experts in the field at an international level.

To register interest, send a short summary of your research topic and for any further information, please contact any of the following organisers:

Matthew Simpson, SWS Europe President

Keith Edwards, SWS Europe Secretary

Matthew Cochran, SWS Europe Treasurer

Geoff Sweaney, CWA President